segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2022

How to fix overnight MacBook battery drain in macOS Monterey 12.2 | Macworld

Users of macOS Monterey are turning to social media to find help with an apparent bug that causes MacBook running macOS Monterey 12.2 to completely lose battery power overnight. Based on several Twitter reports, users are finding that their MacBooks are waking up from sleep countless times a night and causing the battery to drain. The problem seems to affect both Intel and M1 Macs.

@ Apple tweeps: macOS 12.2 breaks something related with bluetooth + sleep/wake. Looking at `pmset -g log`, it seems like it spent all night waking up every few seconds for bluetooth and drained all the battery. [FB9862509]

Here's what the #macOS #Monterey 12.2 #bluetooth sleep/wake battery-murdering glitch looks like, personified by my keyboard's capslock light. off=sleep, on=darkwake. Leave ur laptop unplugged & sleeping overnight, 👋🏼buh-bye to its battery! #goodtimes

I’m also effected by the battery drain issue with macOS Monterey 12.2. Software quality is getting an ever increasing issue at @Apple.

Apple Support responded to Andreas Schilling’s tweet above with a link to a support document with instructions on how to optimize the MacBook battery, check battery health, and diagnose battery issues, but the problem seems to be beyond the scope of simple tweaks. Users have found that turning off Bluetooth allows the Mac to stay in sleep mode and preserve battery life. This can be a stopgap solution until Apple fixes the problem with an update.

The first beta of macOS Monterey 12.3 was released to the public last week, but the release notes do not mention this issue. Apple has yet to publicly acknowledge the issue.

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The iPad Air is down to its lowest price ever | Macworld

Apple is rumored to be preparing a refresh to the iPad Air with a faster processor and better camera, but the current model is still one of the best tablets you can buy. And now it’s cheaper than ever: Best Buy is selling the iPad Air with 64GB of storage for $499 in all colors, the best price we’ve ever seen.

The iPad Air got a home button-less makeover in 2020, with slim-bezels, Touch ID built into the power button, USB-C, and support for the Apple Pencil and Magic Keyboard. In our 4.5-star review, we said the iPad Air “gives you enough of the iPad Pro experience for most users at starting price $200 lower.” 

And now it’s $300 lower. So go grab one before the price goes back up.

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WhatsApp: código revela que backup ilimitado no Google Drive deve acabar | Backup | TechTudo

Por Raquel Freire, para o TechTudo

O WhatsApp deve deixar de oferecer backup ilimitado no Google Drive para celulares Android. A evidência encontra-se em novas linhas do código do mensageiro, que exibem mensagens como "alteração de backup do Google Drive", "limite do Google Drive quase cheio" e "limite do Google Drive alcançado".

LEIA: Como criar link do WhatsApp de duas formas diferentes

A novidade, que ainda não anunciada oficialmente, foi descoberta pelo site especializado WABetaInfo nesta sexta-feira (29). A mudança pode sinalizar o fim do acordo entre WhatsApp e Google, que introduziu o espaço ilimitado para guardar mensagens no Drive em novembro de 2018.

Novo código do WhatsApp revela fim do backup ilimitado no Google Drive — Foto: Raquel Freire/TechTudo

Mensagens favoritas também são excluídas no modo temporário do WhatsApp? Descubra no Fórum do TechTudo.

As linhas de código reveladas na versão beta do mensageiro trazem a inscrição "gdrive_backup_quota", indicando que existirá uma cota do Google Drive para armazenar backups do WhatsApp de graça. As mensagens não revelam quanto de espaço será reservado para as conversas do app com a mudança. Atualmente, o plano gratuito da nuvem do Google dá direito a 15 GB totais, que são ocupados pelos serviços da empresa, como Google Fotos e Gmail.

Código do WhatsApp com mensagens sobre mudança no backup do Google Drive — Foto: Reprodução/WABetaInfo

O armazenamento ilimitado no Drive é uma grande vantagem para usuários Android, uma vez que o app para iOS não traz o mesmo benefício no iCloud. Quem acessa o mensageiro no iPhone precisa ter pelo menos 2,05 vezes mais espaço disponível no iCloud do que o tamanho do backup do WhatsApp.

Vale lembrar que a mudança tem precedentes. O armazenamento do Google Fotos deixou de ser ilimitado em junho de 2021, quando o conteúdo salvo no serviço de imagens passou a ser incluso no espaço do Google Drive.

Com informações de WABetaInfo

Como fazer figurinha no WhatsApp Web sem instalar nada no PC

O que é microLED? Conheça tecnologia que pode ser futuro das smart TVs | TVs | TechTudo

Por Filipe Garrett, para o TechTudo

Telas microLED prometem superar o OLED, oferecendo maior durabilidade e eficiência. Ainda um pouco distantes da realidade do consumidor, essas telas já estão sendo aplicadas em alguns produtos, como a TV modular The Wall da Samsung.

Elogiada pela oferta do mesmo nível de contraste do OLED sem os problemas de durabilidade e desgaste, os displays microLED ainda são cercados de incógnitas por conta da grande complexidade e custo elevado de fabricação, que podem dificultar sua popularização. A seguir, explicamos melhor como a tecnologia funciona.

📺 Cinco cuidados que você deveria começar a ter com a sua TV

Samsung aposta em telas microLED em televisores premium — Foto: Divulgação/Samsung

O que é microLED?

microLED é uma tecnologia de tela que busca atenuar algumas das limitações dos painéis OLED, hoje referência absoluta quanto à qualidade de imagem em TVs e monitores. Assim como no OLED, telas microLED usam LEDs individuais para emitir luz e cor, fugindo assim dos problemas das telas LED convencionais.

Se você compreende como uma tela OLED funciona, sabe também como o microLED se comporta. A grande diferença fica por conta dos materiais e de como são criados os LEDs que formam essas telas: no OLED, é usado um material orgânico, enquanto no microLED se aplica um composto inorgânico.

Já para quem precisa refrescar a memória, uma forma simples de entender telas microLED/OLED é comparando seu design básico com aquele usado nos painéis LED comuns. Uma tela LED é formada por várias camadas, mas aqui iremos nos interessar por duas: a de LED no fundo e o cristal líquido (LCD) em cima.

É no LCD que estão os pixels e que as imagens são formadas. Mas o LCD não emite luz, de forma que sozinho ele não teria muita utilidade, já que você não conseguiria enxergar formas e detalhes no painel escurecido. É por isso que, por trás do LCD, telas de LED contam com um display iluminado por LEDs para direcionar luz sobre o LCD, permitindo que as imagens sejam visíveis para você.

Como essa iluminação de fundo está sempre ligada, ela acaba distorcendo tons escuros: cores pretas em telas LED têm um aspecto lavado, meio acinzentado, e isso compromete o contraste nesses displays.

No microLED/OLED, cada um dos pixels que forma a tela é capaz de, sozinho, gerar a própria luz. Com isso, o display pode ser controlado com grande precisão, e sem uma fonte de luz sempre ligada distorcendo tudo, atingir tons de preto mais reais e níveis de contraste considerados infinitos, gerando assim uma imagem de maior qualidade.

microLED e OLED: qual é melhor?

A resposta para essa pergunta é difícil porque, no papel, a tendência é que o microLED se mostre uma tecnologia superior. A realidade, no entanto, é que os custos envolvidos na manufatura dessas novas telas são bem altos (tendo em vista que o processo de fabricação do OLED também é complexo e custoso), de forma que é difícil antecipar até que ponto o microLED pode ser barateado com maior escala e concorrência de forma a superar o OLED.

Já do ponto de vista técnico, as vantagens para o microLED são significativas. A primeira delas tem a ver com a durabilidade: como os LEDs aqui não são orgânicos (é daqui que vem o "O" de OLED), o desgaste acaba sendo menor, de forma que a tendência natural é que uma tela microLED tenha uma maior durabilidade do que o OLED.

Painéis OLED estão sujeitos a desgaste com o tempo, inclusive com perda de intensidade de cores e brilho — além do temido burn-in. Já o microLED é mais resiliente e pode apresentar uma durabilidade que supera até mesmo telas LCD convencionais, de acordo com projeções de especialistas.

Outras vantagens são a eficiência — o microLED pode chegar a brilho mais alto gastando menos energia — e a miniaturização: telas desse tipo precisam de menos camadas e podem render displays mais finos e compactos, permitindo assim sua adaptação a um maior número de aparelhos e formatos.

Quais marcas oferecem a tecnologia?

O processo de adoção de telas microLED ainda engatinha e, embora tanto Samsung quanto LG venham realizando investimentos em torno da tecnologia, a verdade é que você encontra dificuldade em achar produtos com esse tipo de tela no mercado atualmente. A rigor, só a Samsung tem algo com microLED à venda em versões de 89, 101 e 110 polegadas.

Diferenças para o Mini LED e outras tecnologias

microLED promete maior durabilidade do que o OLED e o novo QD-OLED de Sony e Samsung — Foto: Divulgação/Sony

Existem alguns outros tipos de tela no mercado que visam a enfrentar limitações do LED de formas parecidas com aquelas associadas ao microLED. O Mini LED, por exemplo, é um tipo de tela LED mais convencional que ainda funciona com a ideia de uma iluminação geral, distribuída pela área do display, para incidir sobre o LCD. No caso do Mini LED, há mais LEDs, permitindo algum nível de controle sobre pontos de diferente intensidade de uma imagem.

Já telas QD-OLED, recém anunciadas pela Samsung, combinam os pontos fortes dos chamados pontos quânticos (cores vivas e intensidade de brilho) com as características do OLED.

O que esperar dos preços?

O microLED é uma tecnologia nova e isso terá impacto no custo de produtos com esse tipo de display em um primeiro momento. Outro fato que pode levar os valores de televisores e monitores com microLED para cima são os desafios de manufatura: assim como o OLED, telas microLED dependem de processos bastante sofisticados de fabricação, o que impõe custos maiores aos fabricantes.

Se você faz mesmo questão de um televisor microLED, sua única opção é aguardar a linha microLED da Samsung. Oferecendo um design que a Samsung classifica como "modular", a tela pode ter 110 polegadas ou mais e custar em torno de US$ 150 mil (R$ 795 mil, em conversão direta), considerando custos de instalação dos televisores gigantes para o qual a Samsung ainda não divulgou planos de lançamento no Brasil.

Com informações de Digital Trends, Android Authority, Samsung, Tom's Guide, PocketLint e TechRadar

📝 Qual é o melhor fone de ouvido para celular? Veja sugestões no Fórum TechTudo

Sony compra Bungie Games, da franquia Destiny, por US$ 3,6 bilhões | Jogos | TechTudo

Por Rafael Monteiro, para o TechTudo

A Sony revelou, nesta segunda-feira (31), um acordo para a compra do estúdio Bungie Games, que produz a franquia de jogos Destiny e já foi responsável por títulos de Halo. Segundo o site GamesIndustry, a transação vai custar US$ 3,6 bilhões, algo em torno de R$ 19 bilhões na cotação atual. O anúncio acontece duas semanas após a Microsoft anunciar a compra da Activision Blizzard por US$ 68,7 bilhões (cerca de R$ 368 bilhões), a maior compra já registrada na indústria dos games.

🎮 Microsoft compra a Activision: entenda os próximos passos da aquisição

Sony compra Bungie Games, da franquia Destiny, por US$ 3,6 bilhões — Foto: Divulgação/Activision

Segundo o acordo, que ainda deve demorar para ser finalizado, a Bungie se tornará uma subsidiária independente da Sony Interactive Entertainment, livre para publicar seus jogos onde acreditar que alcançará seus jogadores. Além disso, os games continuarão multiplataforma, ponto que foi levantado como preocupação da empresa japonesa no comando da Activision pela Microsoft.

O estúdio conhecida pela criação da série Halo foi comprado pela Microsoft nos anos 2000 e se tornou independente em 2007 após Halo 3, quando a franquia passou então a ser desenvolvida pela 343 Industries. Atualmente a Bungie mantém o jogo Destiny 2 em um modelo online contínuo através de atualizações e expansões, enquanto trabalha em uma nova franquia ainda não revelada.

Bungie contiuará a publicar jogos multiplataforma e atuará de forma independente — Foto: Reprodução/PlayStation Blog

O Presidente da Sony, Jim Ryan, comentou sobre a aquisição: "Nós temos uma forte parceria com a Bungie desde a concepção da franquia Destiny e eu não poderia estar mais animado de dar ao estúdio as boas-vindas à família PlayStation".

Já o CEO da Bungie, Pete Parsons, comentou em um post no PlayStation Blog sobre como o estúdio se mantém no controle criativo de seus jogos, mas que a Sony é uma parceria que oferece apoio incondicional em sua visão de criar entretenimento que se estende através das gerações. Segundo ele, a mudança mais imediata no estúdio será a nova contratação de talentos.

Com informações de GameIndustry, IGN, Kotaku e PlayStation Blog

Homem constrói power bank gigante com carga para 5 mil celulares | Celular | TechTudo

Por Rodrigo Torres, para o TechTudo

O power bank, dispositivo com bateria que permite recarregar outros aparelhos, é ideal para manter celulares ligados ao longo do dia. Frustrado por ter um aparelho de menor capacidade que os amigos, o apresentador de vídeos Handy Geng acabou criando o maior power bank do mundo. A invenção pode carregar 5 mil smartphones com baterias de 3.000 mAh — capacidade estimada do iPhone 13, por exemplo.

Batizado como "super large mega power bank" – algo como “power bank super mega enorme” –, o acessório substitui 900 carregadores de tamanho normal. Sua potência é de absurdos 27 milhões de mAh. A título de comparação, um excelente power bank hoje em dia tem 20.000 mAh.

🔎 Qual é o carregador mais rápido do mundo? Confira o top 5

O supercarregador (não tão) portátil de Handy Geng — Foto: Reprodução/Handy Geng

Desta forma, o chinês consegue carregar de laptops a bicicletas elétricas no aparelho, além de ligar TVs e máquinas de lavar num lugar ermo, como ele demonstrou num vídeo.

No maior estilo "faça você mesmo", o vídeo mostra Handy Geng construindo a sua invenção do zero, desde a instalação de uma potente bateria Bosch (como aquelas de carro) até o acabamento parecido com o design do iPod Nano. O acessório é equipado com alguns interruptores e nada menos que 60 tomadas, para não desperdiçar a chance de carregar vários dispositivos de uma só vez.

Bem-sucedido em provar que sua invenção funciona, Handy Geng não disfarça a dificuldade que é transportar seu carregador “portátil”. O power bank é um colosso que mede 1,80 m de comprimento por 1,20 m de largura e 30 cm de altura. Para transportar o aparelho pela cidade, Geng precisou construir uma base com rodinhas e usar uma corda para puxá-lo.

Confira o vídeo de Handy Geng na íntegra

Com informações de Handy Geng e Kotaku

📝 Celulares Xiaomi são bons? Participe da conversa no Fórum TechTudo

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC up 10% From Same Point Last Week – Market Updates Bitcoin News

Despite trading lower on Monday, bitcoin is up over 10% from the same point last week, with ETH also gaining within that period. In general, crypto markets were weaker to start the new week.

Following some strong rallies over the weekend, BTC/USD gave back some of these gains on Monday, falling to an intraday low of $36,733.57.

This comes after the world’s largest cryptocurrency edged closer to the $40,000 level, by hitting $38,168.01 during Sunday’s session.

The move saw its 14-day RSI climb to 38, however as on January 18th, price action was simply not strong enough to move past that point.

As of now, bitcoin is tracking at 34 on this indicator, and has extended the consolidation between support of $35,470, and resistance of $39,010.

Looking at the chart, you can see that the 10-day(red) moving average has begun to slow its downward trajectory, giving way for the potential upside swing.

BTC/USD is currently down 2%, trading at $37,259.85, however prospects for a bullish breakout remain, whilst we continue to consolidate at current levels.

Some expect that bull run to come this week.

On Monday, ETH is up over 17% higher from its price at the same point last week, despite trading in the red to begin the day.

ETH/USD fell to an intraday low of $2,489.07 during the session, despite hitting a 5-day high of $2,622.5 late on Sunday.

The short-term resistance of $2,600 which has been in place since January 22nd, continues to be a hurdle to further upside swings.

In addition to this, the RSI has not moved beyond 36 during that same period, and although prices are oversold, the lack in price strength has deterred bulls from taking longer-term positions.

Could that change this week, with more bulls re-entering? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Eliman brings a diversified point of view to market analysis, having worked as a brokerage director, retail trading educator, and market commentator in Crypto, Stocks and FX.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Is 'Here to Stay and Impossible to Regulate at Large' — CEO of a United Arab Emirates Based Bank

According to the chief executive officer (CEO) of the United Arab Emirates-based financial institution, Bank of Sharjah, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are not only difficult to regulate but are also here to stay. Despite this prediction, the CEO admits that many ... read more.

Ark Invest Expects Bitcoin to Exceed $1 Million by 2030 — Says BTC Could Transform Monetary History – Markets and Prices Bitcoin News

Ark Investment Management (Ark Invest) has predicted that the price of bitcoin could surpass $1 million per coin by 2030. “Our research suggests that bitcoin has the potential to transform monetary history by providing financial freedom and empowerment in a fair, global, and distributed way,” Ark’s analyst added.

In Ark Invest’s “Big Ideas 2022” report published last week, the firm’s analyst Yassine Elmandjra explained that “As bitcoin’s market capitalization hit an all-time high in 2021, Ark’s research indicated that its network fundamentals remained healthy.”

Noting that “Bitcoin’s market capitalization still represents a fraction of global assets and is likely to scale as nation-states adopt [it] as legal tender,” the analyst detailed:

According to our estimates, the price of one bitcoin could exceed $1 million by 2030.

El Salvador adopted BTC as legal tender alongside the U.S. dollar in September last year. The Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele, has predicted that bitcoin will be legal tender in two more countries this year. Devere Group’s CEO expects three countries to do so while Bitmex’s CEO said five countries will. Meanwhile, Fidelity said that it “wouldn’t be surprised to see other sovereign nation states acquire bitcoin in 2022 and perhaps even see a central bank make an acquisition.”

The Ark report also cites network upgrades and growing adoption by institutions as some of the reasons for the price of the cryptocurrency to soar. In addition, the firm said that bitcoin mining will encourage and generate cleaner solutions. The analyst further wrote:

Our research suggests that bitcoin has the potential to transform monetary history by providing financial freedom and empowerment in a fair, global, and distributed way.

In addition, the Ark Invest report describes: “Public blockchains are powering novel forms of coordination across money, finance, and the internet. By decentralizing institutions with open-source software, blockchain technology minimizes the need to trust centralized authorities.” Ark’s analysts, including Elmandjra, concluded:

We believe bitcoin is the most profound application of public blockchains, the foundation of ‘self-sovereign’ digital money.

“The Bitcoin protocol has enabled two other revolutions: the financial (defi) and internet (Web3) revolutions,” they emphasized.

Do you agree with Ark Invest’s bitcoin price prediction? Let us know in the comments section below.

A student of Austrian Economics, Kevin found Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests lie in Bitcoin security, open-source systems, network effects and the intersection between economics and cryptography.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Robinhood to Launch Crypto Trading Internationally — Sees 'Immense Potential' in Crypto Economy

Robinhood has “set aggressive goals to start opening its crypto platform up to customers internationally in 2022,” the popular trading platform revealed during its Q4 earnings call. “The company believes in the immense potential of the crypto economy and sees ... read more.

Crypto Exchange Binance Restricts 281 Nigerian Accounts — Some Requested by International Law Enforcement – Exchanges Bitcoin News

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has restricted 281 Nigerian user accounts. Citing user security and fraud prevention, CEO Changpeng Zhao explained that “approximately 38% of these cases [are] restricted at the request of international law enforcement.”

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has sent a letter to its Nigerian users. In the letter, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) apologized for the inconvenience caused by delays in resolving customer support requests.

Noting that “User security” remains his exchange’s top priority, Zhao detailed: “Protection mechanisms such as KYC, anti-money laundering measures, collaboration with law enforcement, and account restrictions are in place to ensure our community remains protected and that fraudulent activity is prevented. This is a global approach applied in every country.” The CEO added:

Some 281 Nigerian accounts have been affected by these personal account restrictions with approximately 38% of these cases restricted at the request of international law enforcement.

Zhao proceeded to highlight what Binance is doing to rebuild trust in the Nigerian community.

Firstly, he said that Binance is “Ensuring speedy resolutions of ongoing user cases tied to account restrictions,” noting:

Currently, we have resolved 79 cases and continue to work through others. All non-law enforcement-related cases will be resolved within two weeks.

Another area that is being addressed is “Devoting more customer service personnel to the region.” Zhao stressed, “We will dedicate more CS and risk agents with a great understanding of the Nigerian market.”

Recently, some Nigerian users of Binance launched a campaign boycotting the platform for freezing their accounts. “At times, we proactively restrict accounts to protect users’ funds. Other times, we have to restrict accounts at the request of law enforcement. But never will we restrict accounts without good reason,” Binance said last week.

The cryptocurrency exchange has been facing scrutiny in a number of jurisdictions worldwide, including Pakistan, Canada, the U.S., U.K., South Africa, Australia, Norway, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, and Lithuania.

In August, Binance said it is making regulatory compliance a top priority. The company is moving from a decentralized business model to a centralized one, as it pivots from a technology company to a financial services company.

What do you think about Binance restricting 281 Nigerian accounts? Let us know in the comments section below.

A student of Austrian Economics, Kevin found Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests lie in Bitcoin security, open-source systems, network effects and the intersection between economics and cryptography.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

JPMorgan Lowers Its Bitcoin Fair Price Estimate to $38K Amidst Volatility

Leading investment bank JPMorgan has changed its view on the estimate of bitcoin's price on a long-term basis. The institution had estimated a long-term price of $146K back in November when bitcoin was over $60K. One of the most important ... read more.

Study: US Financial Advisors Expect Proportion of Crypto Holding Clients to Increase by 60% – Finance Bitcoin News

According to the findings of a new survey, the number of financial advisors currently counseling crypto holding clients is expected to double from the current two out of ten or 20% to 44% by the end of 2022.

The number of financial advisors in the United States that currently counsel their clients on crypto holdings is expected to double in 2022, a new study has found. According to the study, which surveyed wealth management experts based in the U.S., this predicted rise is in the number of advisors to 44% is in tandem with their expectation that more clients (about 33%) will likely become holders of crypto by the end of 2022.

Study: US Financial Advisors Expect Proportion of Crypto Holding Clients to Increase by 60%

As shown by the data that was obtained from the 153 respondents that participated in Arizent Research’s 2022 Prediction survey, about 60% of financial advisors expect to see the number of crypto holding clients increase. And with only 4 per cent of the respondents expecting to see this number drop, the study findings suggest clients’ demand for cryptocurrencies is not waning.

Rather, the findings show that cryptocurrencies, which are now widely covered by the financial press, “are [now] a big theme in investing circles” However, according to the study’s report, this growth in cryptocurrency’s popularity has added to banks’ list of worries that already include the threat posed fintech and payments firms as well as the mooted U.S. digital currency. The study report explains:

Only four in ten banks see an increase in their investment in traditional credit cards with loyalty and rewards features within the next three years. That may be a reflection of other competitive threats to credit cards, such as digital payment alternatives like PayPal and Venmo and initiatives by the Federal Reserve.

This is in addition to one in four banks that sees a real possibility of a competitive threat posed by consumers banking in the U.S. Federal Reserve initiatives “such as FedNow real-time payments, an alternative to traditional wires and ACH transfers” The potential creation of a ‘digital dollar’ currency is also seen as another possible competitive threat.

Study: US Financial Advisors Expect Proportion of Crypto Holding Clients to Increase by 60%

Meanwhile, the study also found the possibility of big tech firms muscling their way into the financial services industry to be a key worry for banks and insurers. As shown in the data, about “six in ten digital insurers worry that those forays are a competitive threat.”

On the other hand, almost half of all banks, “or 47%, expect Big Tech to become a major competitor within three years.” The findings also show regional banks to be the most worried with 64%.

What are your thoughts on this story? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Terence Zimwara is a Zimbabwe award-winning journalist, author and writer. He has written extensively about the economic troubles of some African countries as well as how digital currencies can provide Africans with an escape route.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Weekly NFT Sales Drop 13% While Crypto Prices Rebound From Market Rout

Last week, non-fungible token (NFT) sales remained unscathed while crypto asset spot markets were dismal. However, a week later, NFT sales have dropped 13% to $800 million in sales over the last seven days. During the past week, NFT sales ... read more.

Apple on Metaverse: We See a Lot of Potential and Are Investing — CEO Tim Cook Says 'It's Very Interesting to Us' – Metaverse Bitcoin News

Apple CEO Tim Cook says the metaverse has a lot of potential and his company is investing accordingly. “It’s very interesting to us,” he noted. Global investments banks Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs have predicted that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity.

Apple Inc. answered a question about the metaverse during its Q1 2022 earnings call last week. CEO Tim Cook was asked, “How are you thinking about the metaverse opportunity and Apple’s role in that market?”

“We’re a company in the business of innovation,” the Apple CEO replied. “So we’re always exploring new and emerging technologies. And I’ve spoken at length about how this area is very interesting to us.”

Cook elaborated, “Right now, we have over 14,000 ARKit apps in the App Store, which provide incredible AR [augmented reality] experiences for millions of people today,” emphasizing:

We see a lot of potential in this space and are investing accordingly.

Several people have estimated the potential size of the metaverse to be multitrillion dollars. Global investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have estimated the metaverse to be an $8 trillion market opportunity.

In December, Bank of America’s strategist, Haim Israel, said that the metaverse is a massive opportunity where cryptocurrencies will be widely used as currencies. “I definitely believe this is a massive, massive opportunity,” he opined.

Do you think the metaverse has a lot of potential? Let us know in the comments section below.

A student of Austrian Economics, Kevin found Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests lie in Bitcoin security, open-source systems, network effects and the intersection between economics and cryptography.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Likens Crypto Market to Subprime Mortgage Crash — Warns Regulators Are Making the Same Mistake

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman sees parallels between the crypto market and the subprime mortgage crash. "There’s growing evidence that the risks of crypto are falling disproportionately on people who don’t know what they are getting into and are poorly ... read more.

Goldman Sachs Warns Bitcoin Increasingly Vulnerable to Fed Rate Hikes as Mainstream Adoption Grows – Bitcoin News

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has warned that bitcoin is increasingly vulnerable to the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes as the cryptocurrency grows more widely adopted. “Over the last two years, as bitcoin has seen wider mainstream adoption, its correlation with macro assets has picked up,” the Goldman analysts explained.

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs published a research note Thursday detailing bitcoin’s increased vulnerability to the Federal Reserve hiking interest rates.

Zach Pandl, bank’s co-head of foreign exchange strategy, and FX analyst Isabella Rosenberg explained that as mainstream adoption of bitcoin increases, so does the cryptocurrency’s vulnerability to Fed policy. They described:

Over the last two years, as bitcoin has seen wider mainstream adoption, its correlation with macro assets has picked up.

Noting that higher bond yields have affected technology stocks in recent weeks, with the Nasdaq 100 index falling more than 13% for the year, the analysts noted: “Bitcoin and other digital assets have likely suffered from the same forces … These assets will not be immune to macroeconomic forces, including central bank monetary tightening.”

The markets now expect the Fed to hike interest rates five times this year. Goldman Sachs believes that the Fed could raise interest rates at every meeting this year. The post-meeting statement from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) last week did not provide a specific time for when the increase will come, though indications are that it could happen as soon as the March meeting.

Goldman’s analysts further commented:

Over time, further development of blockchain technology, including applications in the metaverse, may provide a secular tailwind to valuations for certain digital assets.

Recently, Goldman Sachs said that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity. Rival investment bank Morgan Stanley similarly estimated a comparable size for the metaverse.

Earlier this month, Goldman Sachs predicted that bitcoin could reach $100,000 as the cryptocurrency continues to take gold’s market share. Meanwhile, Switzerland’s largest bank, UBS, has warned of a crypto winter amid expectations of Fed rate hikes and regulation. At the time of writing, bitcoin is trading at $37,502 based on data from Markets. The crypto is up 6.6% in the last seven days but down 20.5% in the past 30 days. However, it is still up 9.8% for the year.

A recent report by shows that the number of global crypto owners is expected to surpass 1 billion this year.

Do you agree with Goldman Sachs? Let us know in the comments section below.

A student of Austrian Economics, Kevin found Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests lie in Bitcoin security, open-source systems, network effects and the intersection between economics and cryptography.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Nansen Report Highlights Growth of Defi and NFTs in 2021

Nansen, a cryptocurrency and blockchain statistics and analytics platform, has issued a report on the growth of decentralized finance (defi) in 2021. The document highlights how defi managed to keep growing, opening the field to new participant chains. Non-fungible tokens ... read more.

Pop Star Justin Bieber Buys Bored Ape NFT for $1.29 Million, Pays More Than 300% Above Floor – Bitcoin News

The Canadian singer Justin Bieber has purchased a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible token (NFT) for 500 ethereum or $1.29 million at the time of settlement. Bieber has a significant collection of NFTs and his wallet holds 340.43 ether worth $879K.

Justin Bieber spent 500 ethereum worth $1.29 million at the time of settlement on a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT, according to a sale stemming from the NFT marketplace Opensea.

Bieber is a well known pop star with his popular seven-track EP “My World.” The 2009 album made Bieber the youngest solo male recording artist to make it into the U.S. Billboard 200 in 47 years. 13 years later, Bieber seems to be dabbling in cryptocurrencies and non-fungible token assets.

Bieber’s Opensea name is called “JustinBieberNFTS” and the BAYC he purchased was Bored Ape Yacht Club #3001. What was interesting about Bieber’s NFT acquisition was the fact that the BAYC’s floor price was 104 ether or $270,908 at the time of sale.

Moreover, while Bieber spent 500 ether the estimated value of BAYC #3001 on January 29, 2022, was $208,237. This means that the famous Canadian singer paid a whole lot more than what the market estimated the BAYC to be worth.

At the time of writing, the singer has around 340.43 ethereum worth $879K in the wallet he leveraged sitting idle. Bieber’s wallet also shows that he has a fascination for collecting NFTs and stats show the musician has 619 NFTs from 49 collections.

Bieber also owns a few fractions of the Doge NFT as well. While holding all those NFTs and even though he paid $1.29 million for BAYC #3001, the “estimated” worth of all of his NFTs today is $502,680, according to stats.

Other celebrity BAYC owners besides Justin Bieber include the Charlotte Hornets’ LaMelo Ball, NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal, Linkin Park’s Steve Aoki, comedian Jimmy Fallon, rapper Eminem, Travis Barker, and Paris Hilton.

What do you think about Justin Bieber’s BAYC purchase? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Jamie Redman is the News Lead at News and a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open-source code, and decentralized applications. Since September 2015, Redman has written more than 5,000 articles for News about the disruptive protocols emerging today.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Weekly NFT Sales Drop 13% While Crypto Prices Rebound From Market Rout

Last week, non-fungible token (NFT) sales remained unscathed while crypto asset spot markets were dismal. However, a week later, NFT sales have dropped 13% to $800 million in sales over the last seven days. During the past week, NFT sales ... read more.

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele Expects Bitcoin to Experience a 'Gigantic Price Increase' – Bitcoin News

El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, believes that it’s just a matter of time before bitcoin sees a “gigantic price increase.” Bukele stressed on Twitter that bitcoin is extremely scarce and there’s not enough bitcoin in the world for all today’s millionaires.

The Salvadoran bureaucrat, businessman, and the 43rd president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, is a big believer in the value of bitcoin (BTC). El Salvador and Bukele’s government are well known for codifying bitcoin as legal tender in June 2021. On September 7, 2021, the price of BTC dive-bombed, so Bukele decided to buy the dip and add it to El Salvador’s growing stash of bitcoins. Bukele and El Salvador have been purchasing BTC on a regular basis during another pandemic scare, and in the midst of even more bitcoin price dips.

Bukele has said that when the price of BTC is down, it’s the best time to stock up on the scarce crypto asset. “Most people go in when the price is up,” Bukele recently tweeted. “But the safest and most profitable moment to buy is when the price is down. It’s not rocket science. So invest a piece of your McDonald’s paycheck in bitcoin,” the Salvadoran president added.

— Nayib Bukele 🇸🇻 (@nayibbukele) January 26, 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently “urged” the Salvadoran government to drop bitcoin as legal tender. Following the warning, the IMF then published a 114-page report on the subject of El Salvador adopting bitcoin, and said the costs exceed the benefits. Salvadoran president Bukele responded to the IMF with an animated GIF from an episode of “The Simpsons.” Bukele has also met with Turkey’s president Tayyip Erdoğan and the Salvadoran leader allegedly discussed the benefits of bitcoin.

This week, Bukele has explained that bitcoin (BTC) is very scarce and he expects BTC’s price to see a giant leap in the future. Bukele tweeted:

There are more than 50 million millionaires in the world. Imagine when each one of them decides they should own at least ONE bitcoin. But there will ever be only 21 million bitcoin. Not enough for even half of them. A gigantic price increase is just a matter of time.

Of course, gold bug and economist Peter Schiff had to throw in his two cents about bitcoin and Bukele’s scarcity statement. “But why buy an entire bitcoin when a single [satoshi] will do the job just as well (which is nothing),” Schiff replied to Bukele’s tweet. “A bitcoin is merely an arbitrary bundle of one hundred million [satoshis]. It’s far more likely that millionaires who already own bitcoin will sell! A gigantic price collapse is coming,” Schiff responded, mocking Bukele.

What do you think about El Salvador’s bitcoin adoption experiment and Nayib Bukele’s belief that it’s just a matter of time before bitcoin sees a gigantic price increase? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Jamie Redman is the News Lead at News and a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open-source code, and decentralized applications. Since September 2015, Redman has written more than 5,000 articles for News about the disruptive protocols emerging today.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Is 'Here to Stay and Impossible to Regulate at Large' — CEO of a United Arab Emirates Based Bank

According to the chief executive officer (CEO) of the United Arab Emirates-based financial institution, Bank of Sharjah, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are not only difficult to regulate but are also here to stay. Despite this prediction, the CEO admits that many ... read more.

Technical Analysis: Arweave up Over 44% in the Last Week, Monero Starts Lower – Market Updates Bitcoin News

Arweave, which rose by over 44% in the last week, was once again in the green, trading over 10% higher on Monday. This comes as monero slipped in today’s session.

Following a bearish January, crypto markets began to rebound within the last week, with arweave being one of the biggest gainers in that period.

To start the week, AR/USD is currently trading 10.32% higher, hitting an intraday peak of $39.81 in the process.

This comes as the decentralized storage network rose by 44% in the last 7-days, as it continues to move towards the $40 mark.

Looking at the chart below, the move began after arweave rallied from its recent support of $29.40, where it traded on Friday, leading to four consecutive sessions of gains.

As a result of this run, the 14-day RSI now tracks at 50.25, which means prices are neither oversold or overbought.

This sets up perfectly for a breakout beyond $40, however, with resistance at this level fairly strong, there are likely to be bears waiting to push prices back down towards support.

Should price strength continue to surge, arweave bulls may target the higher resistance of $52.

As of writing, cryptocurrencies were trading 1.37% higher on the day, however, there are a few notable bears to start the week.

Monero was one of them, with XMR/USD falling by as much as 4% during Monday’s session, leading to an intraday low of $141.22.

Looking at the chart below, today’s decline has resulted in monero hitting its recent support of $141.90, after trading at resistance of $155.80 only yesterday.

This comes following the RSI level of 37 acting as a hurdle to rising momentum, and has since fallen to 34, moving deeper into oversold territory.

Could we see XMR break below this floor? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Eliman brings a diversified point of view to market analysis, having worked as a brokerage director, retail trading educator, and market commentator in Crypto, Stocks and FX.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Is 'Here to Stay and Impossible to Regulate at Large' — CEO of a United Arab Emirates Based Bank

According to the chief executive officer (CEO) of the United Arab Emirates-based financial institution, Bank of Sharjah, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are not only difficult to regulate but are also here to stay. Despite this prediction, the CEO admits that many ... read more.

US Senator: 'America Competes Act' Is a Direct Attack on Crypto Industry, Government Is Picking Winners and Losers – Regulation Bitcoin News

U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis says that the recently introduced “America Competes Act of 2022” is a direct attack on the crypto industry. “I will not stand by and let the heavy hand of the government pick winners and losers,” she stressed. Congressman Tom Emmer explained that the legislation would give Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen “dictatorial-level power to prohibit any transactions they deem concerning without due process.”

A bill called the “America Competes Act of 2022,” introduced in the House of Representatives last week, has raised much concern in the financial sector, as News reported.

Among those who have warned about its detrimental effect is the pro-bitcoin U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis. She explained in a series of tweets last week why this bill is “a direct attack” on the crypto industry.

“I wanted to share a few thoughts about House Democrats’ version of the America Competes Act … which is raising alarms across the financial industry,” the senator from Wyoming began. She elaborated:

This provision would give the Treasury Secretary and those she deputizes unilateral, unlimited power to ban any type of financial asset that has a foreign link, without public notice and without any time limit … This is a direct attack on the digital asset industry.

“Should this provision remain in the bill, we really should rename it the America Fails Act. This provision stifles innovation and competition. And feels more like something the Chinese Communist Party would impose on industry,” Senator Lummis stressed, adding:

I will not stand by and let the heavy hand of the government pick winners and losers. If we go down this path, we threaten our own position as global financial leader.

The senator concluded that she is talking to her colleagues in the Senate and with officials at the Treasury to make her concerns known.

Senator Lummis is not the only lawmaker in the U.S. concerned about the potential harmful effect of the America Competes Act of 2022 on the financial services industry.

Congressman Tom Emmer, for example, tweeted last week:

House Democrats introduced legislation that would give the Secretary of the Treasury dictatorial-level power to prohibit any transactions they deem concerning without due process. This leaves the American people powerless to hold Secretary Yellen accountable.

Senator Lummis, a bitcoin hodler, has said many times that bitcoin is a great store of value. While Congress was discussing raising the debt ceiling, she said, “Thank God for Bitcoin.”

Do you think the Secretary of the Treasury should have the power as stated in the America Competes Act of 2022? Let us know in the comments section below.

A student of Austrian Economics, Kevin found Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests lie in Bitcoin security, open-source systems, network effects and the intersection between economics and cryptography.

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Russian Investors to Pass Exams Before Buying Cryptocurrencies, Draft Law Suggests

A new Russian law may oblige potential crypto investors to take a test before being allowed to purchase digital assets over a certain limit. The authors are also hoping to regulate cryptocurrency mining and cut access to cheap energy for ... read more.

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Use AI to become a photographer worth remembering | Macworld

The best photography requires advanced skills with the camera and with the keyboard. The Complete Award-Winning Luminar AI Bundle gives you the tools and the knowledge to create professional-grade photography, and it’s on sale for $39.99 (Reg. $235). 

Luminar comes with 3 types of resources, all essential to good pictures. First, you get the software. Luminar AI: Lifetime License is an intuitive photo editor that works as its own app or can be a plugin for Photoshop or Lightroom. The advanced AI tools make it so you don’t have to spend months just figuring out what each tool does, let alone how to use it. 

Next, you get photo templates and a lot of them. Black and white portraits, the postcard travel pack, and landscapes form the foundational materials for a lot of incredible photography, and you get assets to use from all of them.

And last, you get lifetime access to the “Lifestyle Photography eCourse.” This course puts to use everything you got from Luminar and the templates and shows you how to make something really incredible. Learn to plan shoots, make adjustments, and more with this comprehensive course. 

Get The Complete Award-Winning Luminar AI Bundle on sale for $39.99 (Reg. $235). 

Prices subject to change.

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Apple TV 4K: Buy now or wait? | Macworld

The Apple TV 4K streaming media box is maybe the best one you can buy (especially for those already in the Apple ecosystem), but it’s also one of the most expensive. It’s faster and more responsive than nearly all competitors, with excellent support for HDR and surround sound including Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.

But at a starting price of $179, it’s also two or three times as much as other 4K streaming boxes. If you do a lot of streaming, the better experience is probably worth it, but the last thing you want to do is buy one right before a new model comes out. Here’s our recommendation about whether this is a good time to buy the Apple TV 4K or not.

Editor’s note: Apple also sells the Apple TV HD, starting at $149. Even though it comes with the new Siri Remote, it’s a very old product (six years!) and we don’t recommend it for anyone.

Last update: May 2021
Apple has been selling streaming TV media boxes since 2007—before the iPhone even! The first Apple TV 4K was released in 2017, and a second-generation version landed very recently, in May 2021.

The new Apple TV 4K has the same price ($179 for 32GB, $199 for 64GB) and the same design as the previous model. But it upgrades the A10X processor for an A12, allowing it to play back 4K HDR video at up to 60fps. It also supports ARC and eARC. Perhaps the most significant upgrade is the new Siri Remote, which went from being one of the worst Apple products to a quite nice and functional way to control the Apple TV.

Apple TV 4K comes in both 32GB and 64GB versions, but most people will have no need for the 64GB model. Most streaming apps don’t use much space, so we recommend most users not spend extra for 64GB.

Apple usually waits a long time between Apple TV hardware releases. Given that we just got new hardware in April 2021, we don’t expect a new box until at least 2023, and it wouldn’t surprise us if it was a year or two longer. The newest update added an A12 Bionic processor, high-frame-rate HDR and Dolby Vision, and a new Siri Remote. The main reason not to buy would be if you thought a big sale was coming up. That doesn’t happen very often, so might as well buy now.

Apple’s really trying to make it’s Apple TV+ service a big thing. We’ve heard rumors that it might combine the hardware with a HomePod to make a kind of Apple TV sound bar. Even that rumor is sort of sketchy and likely a long way out.

The only good reason to wait is if you expect some sort of incentives—Apple TV hardware has come free for new subscribers to some streaming TV services, for example. We haven’t heard of anything like that on the way. And while Apple definitely should drop the price of the Apple TV hardware, the company has shown no signs that it intends to do so.

The new Apple TV 4K just came out this spring, and it will probably be years before it’s replaced. Rumors of new TV streaming hardware from Apple are distant and unreliable, and Apple isn’t likely to drop the price of this one any time soon.

This is as good a time to buy as you’ll likely find. Just don’t bother with the 64GB model. The Apple TV 4K is $179 from Apple, and currently sells for $169 at Amazon at the time of this writing.

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