terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2024

Three Ways to Promote NFTs in 2024

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are one of the emerging technologies that took 2020 and 2021 by storm. Over those two years, the NFT market rose to over $11 billion, with February 2022 seeing over 400,000 users per week across sites like OpenSea and Mints. As the industry continued to build excitement around it, prices and user interest skyrocketed.

During the crypto winter, following several major crashes and industry-shifting events, the NFT market began to suddenly drop. However, while there was a major market value decrease, the NFT market is still alive and well in 2023. While many still see the meme sale events as the principle of what the NFT market has achieved, those in this industry know this to be far from the truth.

From Play2Earn games to online digital asset trading and the entire GameFI industry, NFTs have embedded themselves all across the world of Web 3 and blockchain. Especially in 2023, where many of the less-active NFT creators have faded away, there has never been a better time to launch NFT collections.

In this article, we’ll turn back to this emerging market, tracing the three best ways to promote NFTs in 2023. We’ll cover:

Let’s dive right in.

Press releases are one of the most effective ways of communicating updates about a company, a brand, or a non-profit. Yet, this media format is far from exclusive to those areas, with NFTs also making a perfect candidate for distributing information via news networks. Whenever an artist makes a new collection or wants to share the success of their current works, a press release can be an enormously powerful tool.

Especially when working with an NFT press release distribution service that already has access to well-established networks of news services, it becomes easier than ever to promote your NFTs. By engaging with these networks, you can distribute content across high-profile sites in the blockchain community, putting information about your NFT collection right in front of the exact people who will be most interested in them.

As NFT news isn’t nearly as popular as it once was, the ability to reach the front page of these sites will stir up excitement around your project and ensure that people take notice. Teams can submit crypto press release for NFT projects.

Considering the high concentration of investors on crypto and blockchain-related news websites, placing information about new NFT projects here is one of the most effective ways of promoting new collections.

Social media is a central playing field that drives connection. Especially in the world of NFTs, where 1:1 sales drive the industry, forming impactful connections over social media can be one of the most effective ways of generating interest in your NFT projects. Social media allows you to post previews of your NFT projects and snapshots of your progress, drawing attention to you and helping you find potential buyers.

There are several different social media sites that you can use to promote your NFTs:

Across the board, these sites will help you find an audience that loves your work and wants to see you thrive.

The art space, in general, not even specifically linked to the NFT market, is one that thrives on influencer marketing. Especially on sites like Instagram, which provides a visual platform where users can scroll through artwork and find something they love, NFT displays can do extremely well.

Beyond just cultivating your own audience on social media, you’re also able to generate interest in your NFT project by working with influencers that already have a large audience. The influencer marketing industry is now worth well over $21.1 billion, making it one of the fastest-growing forms of advertising in the world.

By working with influencers, you can put your NFT projects right in front of interested parties. Yet, unlike with other methods like press releases or your social media, the people who then see your sponsored content will already have a strong positive connection with that influencer. If an influencer shows your artwork to their audience, they’ll be able to strike up an instant connection to your work.

The NFT market – while also driven by money and investing – is one that primarily comes back to an appreciation for art and the work that artists can create. By leaning into this factor, you’ll be able to find new groups of people to appreciate what you create. You’ll be able to then siphon new investors from influencer accounts, growing your audience as interest in your projects also increases.

The NFT market is on the point of surging upwards. Considering its past heights, now is the perfect time to refocus on building a range of exciting NFT projects and launching them to the Web 3 community. However, marketing in the world of NFTs is much easier said than done.

By following the strategies outlined in this article, you’ll be able to promote your NFT projects to a larger audience, rapidly commanding a following and growing interest in your next launch. You’ll be a thriving NFT artist in no time.

Blockchain Analyst & Writer with scientific background. 6+ years in IT-analytics, 3+ years in blockchain.

Worked in independent analysis as well as in start-ups (Swap.online, Monoreto, Attic Lab etc.)

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